You make the difference.
There are many ways to can be involved in what YFC Altona is doing in our community. We would love to have you join our support team. Contact us if you have any questions about how you can get involved.
Becoming a financial supporter is a great way to support YFC Altona. Financial donations help us ensure we can offer meaningful programming to the youth we serve. If you would like to make a special designation for your donation, just let us know. For example, you can designate your donation for programming, special projects, staff support, etc.
Another great way of supporting YFC Altona is volunteering. We have an amazing group of volunteers that make our programs possible. Would you like to be a regular volunteer in one of our weekly programs? Or would you like to help at special events? Another way you can volunteer is by providing meals or snacks for our teens. There are so many ways you can invest your time in YFC Altona, contact us to find out more. We would love the opportunity to explore the ways you can be involved in what YFC Altona is doing.
Partner with a YFC Altona staff member
YFC Altona staff raise their support to cover staffing costs. We are missionaries in a local mission field and becoming a ministry partner with a YFC staff member is a powerful way you can support YFC’s ministry. Donations (one-time or monthly) can be made online through CanadaHelps, in-person, or by mail. Staff ministry pages and more information on how to donate are found on individual staff ministry pages.
Sheridan Sawatzky - Executive Director
If you would like to join Sheridan’s ministry team please visit Sheridan’s support page by clicking the button below.
Marty Falk - Program Director
If you would like to join Marty’s ministry team please visit Marty’s support page by clicking the button below.
Kendra Fehr - Outreach Director
If you would like to join Kendra’s ministry team please visit Kendra’s support page by clicking the button below.
Peter Serger - Makerspace Director
If you would like to join Peter’s ministry team please visit Peter’s support page by clicking the button below.